Armored Animals Cocks

We have released Armored Animals Cocks for free on the google play store! You can download the game by clicking here, this link takes you right to the google store download.

You can submit feedback for the game by emailing feedback (at) and including AAC Feedback in the subject line. Be as honest as possible please! We strive to make games that you love to play!

This version has been updated to comply with new google policies for user privacy protection, as well as adding security features to protect you, our users.

The next versions of Armored Animals: Cocks will introduce new levels, improve graphics of the combat backgrounds, and add in-game purchases to the game. In addition, we will be using your feedback to begin tweaking combat for our upcoming title, Armored Animals: Arena.

We have also hired new artists to work on Armored Animals: Pussy.

Stay tuned, as while we have been radio silent for some time, a lot of stuff has been going on behind the scenes that we look forward to bringing to you in the coming months and years!

We hope everyone had a great summer and look forward to a fall filled with gaming goodness!

Below are some teasers for the new battleground backgrounds we have been working on for you!