Armored Animals: Cocks

How exciting!!! After mucho work, we have a new patch ready for Armored Animals: Cocks! Codenamed, this patch will push the game up to 10 levels of cock fighting fun! Take down Cockefeller! Destroy Chuckles! Teach Quill Bates that he can’t push you around anymore! Get closer than ever to liberating Stella from the clutches of evil!!!! Meet One-eyed Willie, and learnt the ways of pirates!

Even more exciting, this patch lays the groundwork for the next 5 levels, and …. *drumroll* …..multiplayer!!!!! Which cock will you be? Will you crush all your enemies?

As you know, we are an indie team, working purely for the joy of entertaining you and finding the secret sauce that gets you excited to play our games!!! Not as easy as one might think. With no budget, we struggle along, driven by love and joy for what we do! You can help us change that, and after we release this patch, and prep the next one, we hope you will be as excited as us for the future of this journey!

More cool stuff will come after, we call it “combos”, and it will add a next level dynamic to the gameplay. This of course is causing much challenge for our dev team, but rest assured, like Freedom Freddy, we plan to overcome these challenges to see our way to victory!

For now, stay tuned for the soon to be announced drop of AAC: and the cock slaying goodness that is surely to occur! Anyone that can take out Quill Bates is in for a special treat!!! Freddy is on a mission to crush the Cock World Order, and we know you will rise to the challenge!

Some Cock Teases for you 🙂